Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hello from Longview!

Well friends, we are finally "moved in" but I wouldn't say "settled". It just doesn't quite feel like home. I have had mild panic attacks the past few days. You know that feeling where you simultaneously want to vomit and/or cry uncontrollably? I keep wondering when I am going to feel righted again. I feel lost, lonely, and fat. Anyway, enough boo-hooing. I just really really really really really need to find a job. Either I am going to kill my children or they are going to kill me. Either way, someone's going down.... ;)

Things I have learned about Longview:
  • It's small
  • The library sucks
  • The grocery stores suck
  • They recycle! and they provide everything you need to do so... :)
  • There are 3 Starbucks
  • One is in the only Target in the city
  • The mall is the saddest place I have ever been (or, as Nathan likes to call it, "The Place Where Dreams Go To Die", Inc.)
  • If you need some sort of service done in your house or on your car it is fast and prompt. No waiting for someone between the hours of 8 and 5. They come when they say they will.
  • If you want drive thru or to-go--you will be waiting a while. Literally. so. slow.
  • Yeah, they all have an accent.
  • There are two chick-fil-as
  • And apparently, a "gathering of old men" takes place Friday mornings in one of them to provide a forum for bitching about whatever they read in the paper
  • Every single person I have met so far has been kind and encouraging and full of helpful information

Past and forthcoming events of interest:

Ava ran off once when I was at the Target (I go at least once every two days. Surprised they don't know me by name now. I imagine they have our pics up in the work room and they snigger as they make up stories about why I look shifty and desperate each time I come in. But I digress.) They actually had to close off the store. No one in or out until she was found. It was full alert. I was terrified. They found her in the toys thank God! Then I switched to feeling morified. Ah well, I provide excitement as a rule...

However, there is this lingering feeling about living in a small town. I know that I will run into people again. So, there is no hiding or melting into the masses. When I am in public, I want to be extra careful about how I come across because I may totally see these people again and again. Same reason I will probably never honk my horn in anger. Perhaps that is a good thing.

We are coming to Houston tonight. Ava is getting tubes in her ears and her adenoids removed tomorrow. It is a surgery and she goes under general anesthetic with an IV and heart monitors, etc. Kind of freaked out. Kind of really freaked out. I know it is routine, but still it is MY baby. I have to remind myself this is for the best b/c she will stop getting sick and start feeling better.

Well, my love to you all. Drop us a line or visit sometime:

3007 Gilmer Rd.

Longview, TX 75604

1 comment:

Lacy Frazier said...

I could have told you all the pitfalls of Longview so you wouldnt have to find them out for yourself. But we cant change Gods plans right! i still have family and friends there if you need help finding a job. let me know! in the mean time, you must go pig out at Pizza King because it is still the best pizza EVER!