Thursday, July 23, 2009
Quick Update
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Pity Party
Like the title says: Pity pary. This is my outlet to word vomit. When I get up from here I will back into the trenches and pick the screaming two year-old off the floor and hold her until she stops being mad that I went into the other room. I will deal with my three year-old throwing a fit as I patiently watch her pick up all the toys she has literally strewn about the house (it will take a good hour I assure you). I will also have to force her to actually get dressed (a bathing suit and ballet shoes is her particular outfit of choice but it is starting to smell--3 days in a row now it has been worn!) I will unload the dishwasher and fold the laundry that I have been putting off all day b/c looking at it piled up all over makes me ill. I will comfort my infant that is wailing b/c his nap was interrupted. I will not burst into tears as the extreme feeling of being overwhelmed I am trying to surpress threatens to explode. Instead I just word vomit into the world wide web and hope for a pitying ear. And maybe a stern talking-to. After all, who likes a whiney baby?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My humiliation knows no bounds; or, alternatively, I am the envy of all!
As a one-legged woman, I try to stay away from venues that require a lot of walking. However, I had to go get my prescription for Vicadin filled. At the Target. Once I realized how much hobbling on my crutches that was going to take, I began to rethink the plan. I was already there so I did what I had to do--got one of the handy little carts that they provide for the differently abled. And so began my humiliation. It's funny, I have had 3 children and my girl parts have been on display for a team of medical people, and yet this experience on the cart was my most embarrassing to date. People stare at you. On the plus side, you get a very pleasant breeze as you zoom along. PS and BTW, it does, in fact, beep (LOUDLY) when you back up.
Getting to know Longview better. Still miss our friends and our church like crazy.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Call me "Hop-A-Long"
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Hello from Longview!
Things I have learned about Longview:
- It's small
- The library sucks
- The grocery stores suck
- They recycle! and they provide everything you need to do so... :)
- There are 3 Starbucks
- One is in the only Target in the city
- The mall is the saddest place I have ever been (or, as Nathan likes to call it, "The Place Where Dreams Go To Die", Inc.)
- If you need some sort of service done in your house or on your car it is fast and prompt. No waiting for someone between the hours of 8 and 5. They come when they say they will.
- If you want drive thru or to-go--you will be waiting a while. Literally. so. slow.
- Yeah, they all have an accent.
- There are two chick-fil-as
- And apparently, a "gathering of old men" takes place Friday mornings in one of them to provide a forum for bitching about whatever they read in the paper
- Every single person I have met so far has been kind and encouraging and full of helpful information
Past and forthcoming events of interest:
Ava ran off once when I was at the Target (I go at least once every two days. Surprised they don't know me by name now. I imagine they have our pics up in the work room and they snigger as they make up stories about why I look shifty and desperate each time I come in. But I digress.) They actually had to close off the store. No one in or out until she was found. It was full alert. I was terrified. They found her in the toys thank God! Then I switched to feeling morified. Ah well, I provide excitement as a rule...
However, there is this lingering feeling about living in a small town. I know that I will run into people again. So, there is no hiding or melting into the masses. When I am in public, I want to be extra careful about how I come across because I may totally see these people again and again. Same reason I will probably never honk my horn in anger. Perhaps that is a good thing.
We are coming to Houston tonight. Ava is getting tubes in her ears and her adenoids removed tomorrow. It is a surgery and she goes under general anesthetic with an IV and heart monitors, etc. Kind of freaked out. Kind of really freaked out. I know it is routine, but still it is MY baby. I have to remind myself this is for the best b/c she will stop getting sick and start feeling better.
Well, my love to you all. Drop us a line or visit sometime:
3007 Gilmer Rd.
Longview, TX 75604