Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I need to vent for a minute. And I need someone to tell me--bitchy or not? Where do my thoughts need to be in all this?

So, once again, I am caught in the "whose job is more important conundrum". Elisa has ballet on Tuesdays and someone normally takes her. That person cannot today, so I asked Na and he said yes. He is going to leave work for 45 minutes to take her. Someone else is slated to pick her up. I am also working at this time, but it is hourly, not salary and it is hard for me to take off. Anyway, Na is in a meeting that he cannot leave. So, who has to go to their boss and come up with a mysterious errand and is it alright for me to clock out and then clock back in? I feel like such a dummy. An ill-prepared un-professional dummy. He doesn't like it when I ask for things like this, but what can I do? And why does Nathan's job get more importance? Because he makes more money? Perhaps that is it. It is still frustrating. And, I hate that both of us feel like we are displeasing our bosses if we have to do something for our kids! I am so frustrated right now!

And, I should note that working hourly generally sucks. I really feel for all the people with children out there that have to do that! I think I am having some major pride issues as well because I have degree and I shouldn't have to. But you know what, I have kids and debt, so I am really doing the best I can. I am always looking for something part-time that utilizes my degree but those are few and far between here in Longview, Texas!

1 comment:

The Walmer Family said...

I feel this way ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME. You are not alone!