So, I promised Micah would be here, but come on guys--can I really make promises like that?!? I mean, he's a baby for crying out loud! He still gets to call the shots for a while. But when he emerges...then he'll really learn who is in charge! :)
Last week, the doctor said I was 4 cm dilated, 40% effaced. Any day was the verdict. All weekend I was CONVINCED he would come. I even got my breast pump out to try and hurry things along. NOT A SINGLE CONTRACTION. Not one. The end of pregnancy is a like a bad joke where you are suspended in time, waiting for a punch line that never comes. My friends have been so supportive and kind, but I get the feeling they are getting bored. Where is that baby you promised? I know you are fat and waddling and all, but where's the kid that's supposed to be in there? And my personal favorite: "Are you still pregnant?" Or, "Weren't you due last week?" Well duh...yes. Still pregnant. First clue? My swagger? And, no, not actually due until the 27th. I feel bad, though. Some women go past their due dates. I really don't have it that bad. And I am truly mentally okay. I keep gaining weight which is not cool and it is really hard to sleep, but by and large, I know that he will eventually get here. This is basically around the time that I had my other children: between 38 and 39 weeks. I think what gets me is that for the past 2 weeks I have been thinking any day (preggo ladies--37 weeks means nothing. you know this. just don't let yourself go there. you still have 15-20+ days. deal with it.). I am getting so used to this bloated, edge-of-seat existence it almost seems like...he doesn't really exist. Know what I mean?
Well, doc today says still 4 cm, but thinner and really really could be any day. But if not, Thursday it will be. This is my first time to actually be induced and I have to say I like the drama and the change of pace from other pregnancies. I am so tired I think I could be talked into anything. I was worried that it would take longer and be more painful, but the doc assures me that I don't need that much Pitocin. I am already halfway there and it is my fourth. I can get my antibiotics and plan where my kids will go. Should just jump start me and I should have a baby within 3 hours of drugs. That sounds like a plan to me. I go in Thursday lunch time, get the Group B Strep antibiotics and then get Pitocin at 4 pm. Have baby by 8 pm at latest. Get out of hospital by Saturday lunchtime. I am so cool with that. Let's just hope everything goes according to plan. Because babies do that, you know. ;)
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