Here's some news: Nathan and I are having another baby! And yeah, we really do know how it happens. I realize that you can only use the "it was a random fluke" excuse so many times, but we are going with it for the third time. I promise you, Elisa is the only baby we really "planned". I say that, but for those of you who know us, Na and I have never been real big on family planning. I know we are really granola, but I really like the organic-ness of just letting it happen. We are not gluttons for punishment, and we both finally feel really good about shutting it down after this one. We were a little uncertain after Noah, not sure if we wanted to stop there or go for one more--choice made I guess! I have to say that I was really shaken up when I first found out. We didn't tell our families until after my first dr. appt. at 11 weeks. My mom's feelings were really hurt that I didn't at least tell her.
4 is A LOT of kids. It borders on socially unacceptable. I didn't want to feel like a freak when I finally told people. It took me 3 months to warm up to the idea. And really, Nathan and I are joyful. Seeing the sonogram of this little 3 mm baby shaped thing flailing its arms/legs just does something to you. It's real. It's a person. It's goodbye to owning my body for 9 months. It's hello to sleepless nights. It is feeling like our family is finally complete.
I am 14 weeks tomorrow and I just told my boss this past Monday. I was really nervous about that conversation. He was definitely surprised. What was I expecting? People don't have more than 2 or 3 kids these days. Any more is just weird. And then there is that awkward feeling like you have to explain your reproductive choices. Pregnancy is not something that just "happens". There is a little awareness on the part of the parents. (Oh gosh--you mean I am not sprinkled with pixie dust at night by the "baby faeries" I let in through the open bedroom window? Nathan, you got some 'splaining to do! :))
So, by the way, my due date is August 27th. Let's decide which is the worst part about this date: it's the first week of school or the freaking hottest point of the summer? Pick one. Currently my frustration is the first week of school conundrum. I LOVE my job. Really. It challenges me. It is only going to get better next year since I actually have a fighting chance at knowing what I am doing. And then I tell my boss, by the way...count me out until October. So, not going to happen. I have to take unpaid leave which is fine, but I really care about my students and parents. It doesn't look good to have a teacher gone the first weeks of school. At this point, I am just going to do the best preparation that I can. I will try to get my ducks in a row, and knowing myself, I will be hauling my just had a baby self out of the hospital and back to work just to check and see how things are going! So, not sure of this particular shakedown, but God is good, right? I am just going to see what He has in store.
The others:
So, like, I still have 3 other living breathing kids to keep my occupied. Elisa just put my boots on and told me they were "fabulous". She is currently on the couch with a doll saying "Robot bear" to the doll over and over. Ava is getting taller by the second. She is still the one that I look at and think "there's a chance I took the wrong baby home from the hospital". However, she looks exactly like Nathan, except like a girl. Now that's weird. Feminine plus Nathan. Hmm. But it works. She likes to put on her dress up heels and click them as loudly as she can on the floor. And well, Noah? A little whiny that one is. He will let his opinion about certain things be know. He is a little high maintenance and kind of like a man diva (miva?) He is certainly very chill until there is something he wants (food, attention, the computer, crayons, anything the girls are minding their own business doing, etc.) and then he screams. He gets right in front of you and lets it rip until you tend to him. He will not be ignored. I think this is Darwinism in action. If he isn't demanding and loud, he would probably get left behind. Way to go Nature! But he is a cuddle bunny (albeit one currently obsessed with Dad and only deigns to be with Mom when Dad is gone). I am glad I nursed him for as long as I did. Some days I have to ask myself "did I hold him at all today besides moving him from place to place?" It's a shame. Baby #4, I apologize in advance. Pop out and hang on little one! You're lucky if you make it half an hour before getting stepped on, groped, spit up on, yelled at, or sat on. It's a sign of affection. Really.
Congratulations! I know that the timing may not have been planned, but all of your children were in yours and Nathan's master plan. I remember sitting at Abuelo's when we were both pregnant with our first child and we were laying out our "master plan". You and Nathan wanted 4 children, close together. Ask and you shall receive :) Absolutely, no way to ride together in one car anymore . . . unless one of us gets a big van :) I am happy for you all and I know this baby is going to be precious just like Elisa, Ava and Noah. Daren and I treasure yours and Nathan's friendship and we can't wait to see the whole crew soon! Love ya!
Congrats!! Such exciting news!!!
love the post! too funny. :) I was watching a show last night with 4 adult children and them interacting with their parents. It was so fun! I'm telling's going to be a blast!!
You are crazy - but in a fun, entertaining and adorable kind of way. I'm very excited for you and I stand in awe that you can handle 3, much less 4. We're good at two for now, but of course as soon as I say that I'll have to eat my words and write a similar post - and what do you mean there's no pixie dust involved!? Love you girl.
First of all, Congratulations to all of you!!!!! God is so amazing. Wow, I think you guys will be the only ones I know with 4 kids lol ;) You're famous! j/j
Well, I am so happy for yall and cant wait to see how beautiful this one will turn out. Yall make beautiful kiddos! My step-son is 9 and our daughter is 6 months. I said from the beginning that I would just have her. Im scared to death to have another boy lol! But once Clayton goes off the college Breelie will be 10ish and all alone. So I might have to put my selfishness aside and have another. But not anytime soon! The end of my pregnancy was really hard and had to have and emergency c-section (long story) so its all still too fresh on my mind. Along with the sleepless nights, as you said. HAHA! SOOOOO Im excited for yall!!!!! Cant wait to read more updates on all this! And you are so funny in your writing, I hate that we didnt get to know each other more in college.
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