Sunday, March 14, 2010

Full disclosure

Greetings all! What wonderful weather we are having these past couple of weeks! I am on spring break! Yay! The title of this post is full disclosure because I feel it is time to come clean about certain things. Nathan and I are in debt. Massive amounts of consumer debt. While we agree that we have both contributed to this, I would argue that I am more at fault. I think that I just went through this selfish "crazy young adult" phase where I wanted anything and everything and damned if I could "afford" it or not. What is credit for anyway? Needless to say, everything quickly became a disaster. We are currently in a very deep hole and our credit is in the crapper. I am not sure what exactly changed in me, but I woke up one day and realized that this was not the legacy I wanted to leave my children. There is not going to be a magical windfall that will take care of it all. I/we are going to need to put our noses to the grindstone and take 4 years to really get out of this hole. We basically have zero credit. We are for the first time having to make ourselves live within our means. And it is not as hard as I thought it would be. I am learning painfully that there is no shame in saying "I can't afford that". Not for pity but to make yourself face reality. I can't live like I can afford to have new clothes each month and Starbucks everyday (sadness!) I can't go out to lunch and dinner even if it is "fast food" and not an "expensive sit down restaurant". Nathan and I have FINALLY decided to be grown ups and take care of business. And it is going to be hard. The disposable income is pretty much nonexistent. This brings me to my point: I have got to get back to planning my dinners/recipes/trips to the grocery store very carefully. I have to pay attention to what I spend. I can't live like I can afford all organic if I really can't. I can't say I am too tired and just pick up a pizza. That stuff adds up big time I am learning. Therefore, I am starting a new blog: I know, I know. Before you call me too self-indulgent just listen: this blog is going to be comprised entirely of recipes. As a way to keep myself accoutable, I endeavor to post each night what I made for dinner and what it cost and how long it took. It is primarily a means to keep myself motivated--I really don't care if anyone reads it our not. However, maybe I can encourage some other mommas out there and we can share ideas. It is incredibly hard to get a hot meal on the table every night of the week (and make it somewhat healthy)! But, I believe it can be done with some planning...and it will be a great way for us to save the moolah! Down with you debt--we will be in the black soon! :)

PS--Nathan changed the name of his blog. Wienie! We work with the youth at our church a lot and I think he was afraid he was a little too "racy" to be appropriate. I say, whatever. But you can follow him now at


kaytie said...

proud of you. we're doing dave ramsey's financial peace university and it's a really clear plan for saving, getting out of debt, starting college funds, how to be a smart consumer, insurance questions, etc. might look into that. we're taking it thru our church. love yall.

Lacy Frazier said...

this is so brave of you! and its so crazy to find out that people you know are in the same boat and dont even know it. we filed for bankruptcy over a year ago. we had to pay for our own wedding and everything we needed to start a family with a 5 year old (at the time). needless to say the credit cards went wild. so we are working hard to build our credit back up, mainly so we can buy a freaking house next year! ugggg. I feel ya girl! i was always so ashamed to talk about it because i wasnt brought up that way to live in debt. so im just now able to say it out loud and even confessed to my parents, who were sickened by it but oh well. anyway, im having to do the same thing with the cooking! i love that you started this other blog!