Sunday, March 8, 2009


So, I have found that candy works as an excellent bribe in potty training my child. Everytime she goes on the potty, she gets candy! And, it seems to be working. She goes several times a day and her pull-up stays dry a lot. She even wore panties and kept them dry for half the day yesterday! The problem still is that she is lazy and distracted. She will not get up from what she is doing to "take care of business" unless she is thinking about candy! But, I feel so much more confident that this is actually going to happen!

Little worried about baby Noah getting here too soon. I have been having lost of BH contractions and I think I am losing/have lost my mucus plug. Sorry if that is TMI!!!! I know that it can still be weeks before labor and that is what I am betting on. 34 weeks is a little too early! We'll keep you posted!

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