Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pasta, pasta, and oh yeah....

IT'S A BOY!!!!!

I truly cannot believe it. My intuitions have been absolutely wrong for every single child. I will say, however, that there were/are a lot of similarities between this pregnancy and my pregnancy with Noah. So, is it really neurotic that I feel disloyal and guilty towards the girl this child could have been? Yeah...I thought so. I just really really really wanted a boy. I haven't felt that strongly about any of my previous pregnancies. I have an obsession with even numbers, and this baby and Noah are going to share a room, so it just really really works out. I see how close the girls are, and I want that for Noah and this baby. Plus, it will be really easy to share clothes. Hand-me-downs the third time around are not so nice looking. I am just overjoyed. I don't think Nathan cared as much, but we are both thrilled the baby is healthy.

So, I also feel vindicated a little. I have been freaking out about how little I am feeling this baby move compared to the others. It seems like it took forever just to feel the baby period, and even now at 22 weeks, the movements are still muffled and spaced out to me. Well, come to find out, my placenta is in the front! Hell-o! I am so glad I am not a neurotic nut job! I mean, every baby is different, but this is my fourth showdown. I feel I should know a little bit about what to expect when. Something just felt off. I am glad to know it is nothing major.

I wish I had time to share more. Today has been crazy and I am off to a meeting at church with all 3 kids in tow. Nathan had a late meeting at work and I have 30 minutes to feed and change them all into their pajamas. Wish me luck!

I also just want to note that my very dramatic 4 year old burst into tears when we told her it was a boy. She wanted a girl baby so badly! I pointed out that she had a sister and now Noah would have a brother, but that did not assuage her sorrow. I then pointed at that we could name him Max (not going to happen) because she is OBSESSED with that show "Ruby and Max". She likes to pretend to be a baby like Max (more than a little bit annoying). Anyway, that cheered her right up. So...next battle to go: break the news to her that in fact, the baby will NOT be named Max. A little at a time...

PS and BTW...the title of this post came from the fact that every single one of my recipes this week and next involved some sort of pasta. No kidding. We are turning into noodles at my house! Quick to fix, but challenging to buy whole grain and organic in this town. Pasta is not all that great for you if it is the white/enriched kind. Oh well. I will be posting recipes on my other blog soon!

Oh yeah...pictures coming soon as well. We got a 4D sono this time--really cool!


The Jacobs Family said...

So happy for you and your family! Congratulations again!

Lacy Frazier said...
