Thursday, May 7, 2009

Busy to the point of exhaustion--but God is still good!

Well, thankfully my kids are all healthy and well. Nathan and I are too, but we are physically exhausted from getting our house ready to put on the market. We have gotten very little sleep and our house feels like a show house--not our home. The poor girls--a lot of their toys disappeared overnight. We also found out that the market is really really bad in our neighborhood. We are going to take a serious loss on the house. But, before we could worry...

Yep, the company is going to pay that loss as well! God is so good! He definately has big plans for us in Longview. We are literally going to be able to walk away without any debt from this whole move. And if that is not enough--where we are going to live when we get up there was totally stressing me about as well. However, I talked to the Longview realtor and it just so happens that she owns a duplex that has one side open. 3 BR, 2 bath, 1400 sq. ft. with a garage and backyard. We have to see it first of course, but isn't God good? This literally could not be any easier. Good thing too b/c Nathan and I have a lot on our plates right now... :)


The Walmer Family said...

So glad that you're surviving! And, GREAT news about your house! I wish that would be the case for our house in 3rd Ward! I hope you are getting some REST!

Jen Braden said...

I am so excited for you and the family!!! God is sooo Good!! Also, Congrats on Noah!! He is such a cutie!! We are now in Charlotte, NC and loving it!! Feel free to check out our blog at