Monday, June 15, 2009

Recent happenings

So sorry that you have been deprived of my infinitely interesting though-provoking rampages! :) Things have been super busy but here are some highlights of the past few weeks:
  • I have smushed Raisinets in my carpet (and possibly my hair)
  • My brother got married--and she is a sweet-y!
  • At said wedding, the flower girl (also my oldest daughter) peed her pants literally 30 seconds before she was to walk down aisle...
  • Which freaked her out and she bawled all the way down the aisle (Daddy had to help--Honey, you looked so elegant with those flower petals!!!)
  • Oh, and the infant and the 1 year old screamed their heads off the entire ceremony. Just the ceremony. Before they were fine. Reception they were fine. LITERALLY JUST THE CEREMONY. I think it went well...sorry Russ.
  • Ava's 2!!!!!
  • And she took one of my medications which caused me to call poison control...
  • Who then freaked me out when they told me to take her to the ER...
  • And then said "take back" because she only took one--she's okay thank God
  • We baptized Noah this weekend and it meant so much to me that our friends and family were there
  • Our wonderful friends threw us a surprise going away party that was so awesome! Just thinking about it makes me want to cry (in a good way)
  • Went to a bachelorette party the other night and had THE BEST TIME and that's all you get to know ;) (Congrats Suze!!!)
  • Ava has her 4th ear infection in 5 months and has to see a specialist...may need tubes...bummer but I just want her to feel better
  • The buyers for our house came by to get something and I realized several HOURS later that I had a tiara on the ENTIRE time I was talking with them (and actually still do)
  • My children have had the best day today--no fits, random decisions to trash the house, or playing in filth...
  • But at this very second...Noah is screaming his head off (he just ate!!!), Ava is rearranging all our DVDs (like, you know, from the organized box they were in to the floor in another room) and crying for a cupcake (totally not going to happen), and Elisa is in panties, a gi-normous tutu, and a wife beater and scattering a deck of cards all over the floor.
  • I don't think I am going to get to eat dinner tonight...